Howdy Peeps

My name is Adam. I am an Artist from Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia. I am married to my childhood sweetheart and we have 3 awesome kids.

For as long as I can remember I have been creative. I’ve always been that kid who people ask to draw things. Every class has one, I was that kid. As I got older, I was the person who people asked to draw logos for their new business or to design their new tattoo, even create whole murals.

Art has always been a passion of mine, something I do for fun, something I do just because I love it. But I am constantly being told I should turn what I love into a business. I’ve always wanted to do it but have always been a bit nervous to put myself out there like that. What if I fail?

So COVID for me has been a bit of a silver lining. Being stuck inside has seen me create more than I ever have. Creating canvas after canvas, design after design. It’s given me the time I need to pursue my dream….

AND so here it is, a place where people can buy my artwork or some merchandise. A place where you can contact me to commission a business logo or novelty t-shirt for your next family Christmas. You name it, I can do it.  

Check it out, be kind and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you see something you like 😊

Q & A with Adam

What’s the reason you do Art?

Everyone has a passion. Art, cartoons and drawing is mine. I do Art because I love it. I can’t help it. I need to be creating. It’s how I’m wired. I’m sure there are lots of people out there nodding as they feel the same. I’ve been like this since I was 9. Over 3 decades later and I still feel the same way. I’m maybe even a little bit more passionate if that’s possible.

Do you struggle in any ways with it?

I get massive “Imposter Syndrome”. What if I’m not good enough? Why is no one liking my Instagram post? Why didn’t I win that Art competition? I’m not good enough. Blah Blah blah.

It’s a love hate relationship for me. When I’m creating, I have none of those thoughts in fact it’s what I do to reduce anxiety and relax BUT when I’m finished and I need some recognition I start to doubt myself and that’s when I feel anxious. It’s shit!

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

A bit cliché but “Treat people how you want to be treated.” I don’t always follow this advice and can get a little short sometimes, but I try. My Mum always used to say; “it doesn’t hurt to be nice”.

What are things in your daily life that make you happy?

My kids, my beautiful wife Jodi. As a younger person, I was very self-absorbed and selfish. The older you get, the more you come to realize the best things in life are your family. Full stop. Nothing makes me happier than a Saturday morning at the beach, swimming, coffee, kicking a footy, swings. Bliss…..

Random Facts about yourself:

  • I hate Lasagne.

  • I applied for a job at Disney.

  • I’ve been kicked in the face by a cow.

How have you grown as a person during the pandemic?

I’ve spent a lot of time with my family. I’m lucky that my wife is my best friend and she makes me laugh every day. She’s funny especially when she doesn’t mean to be. I’ve worked a lot on my art. Finally, I think being away from your mates makes you treasure them a bit more. When lockdown finished, I went straight to a mate’s place to have a beer and watch the footy.

Favourite Dessert?

Creme Brulé. Affogato. Somebody stop me…..

When you were a kid, what did you want to be?

A cartoonist. I’m getting there…..