Artist Block

Sitting here, a little tired, thinking I should be doing some art. But what? 

Instagram? Hard to get inspired when there is too much good shit on there? 

Facebook? Too many weirdo’s on there claiming to be friends when they wouldn’t say hello if I walked passed them in the street. 

Work on my website? Taking too long to load, must be a sign. 

Self motivation. Meh…

Might have a sleep. 

We all have days where we are simply not motivated to do what we should be. And that’s ok. 

Have a bludge, have a sleep. 

Just don’t make a habit of it. 

Jesus, I sound like Tony Robbins (look him up)

I’m trying to give myself reasoning for be a lazy ass. 

Fuck it, I’m off to Paint…

Why do I have a sudden fascination with Slugs?

Why do I have a sudden fascination with Slugs?


We’re Live People


It all starts with an idea.