Stealing is Good?

People steal in the art community. There, I said it. You’re stuck for ideas, head over to Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Google. You name it. I do it all the time. Stuck for a pose for a certain character, google it, trace over your character into that position, no one is none the wiser. Plagiarizing is different. Using someone elses design to get credit yourself. Bad. Heres an example.

Below is a pic i saw and thought, Shit, thats cool. Ive obviously changed it to my style and could get away with it. There is enough changed in my version to not be a copycat dirty rat. Only thing i have stolen is the head phones cause they are killer, i’d like to give credit to the illustrator but I dont know who it is. (But he draws killer headphones)

Steal, give credit, but dont plagiarize!




Doodling with $2 Markers.


The Wanker Series